If you change your mind after placing an order, you can cancel it at any time before we despatch it. Please see the Contact us: info@depotluxury.co.uk or call our telephone number 07557766309. You will need to give us your name and address details, as well as your order number to cancel your order.

If you cancel part of an order the postage and packaging charge is recalculated on the price of the goods you keep. For example, if your order is for £60 worth of goods and you then cancel a £15 item, your order total will drop below £49, and you will no longer qualify for FREE Standard delivery.

Personalised Items Orders

When you order a Personalised Item from our website, we will create or customise a specific and potentially unique piece of item designed around your own specifications.

You may change your mind and notify us that you wish to cancel your order for your Personalised Item at any time before you receive our email that confirms despatch of your order for Personalised Items. Please note that this is a different email from the one that we send to confirm that we have received your order.

If your item is faulty or does not match the specifications contained in your order, you should:

  1. Contact our Customer Services team on 07557766309*.
  2. We will send you a pre-paid package in which to return your items so that postage will be free for you. Please note that pierced jewellery must be returned in its original sealed packaging.
  3. Place the item into its original presentation box and make sure that the parcel is sealed securely. You should also place a copy of your despatch note into the parcel.
  4. If the item is in its original condition, we will refund the goods.

Please note that we are unable to accept returns to store for Personalised or Engraved items.

* Calls are charged at local rate and may be recorded. Our lines are open 9am-5pm Monday to Friday and 9am-5pm on Saturday.